Get ready to increase conversion. šŸ“ˆ

With this focused FOUR-STAGE direct mail campaign you can go to market and start converting lookers into buyers in no time.

Opt-In and Address Confirmation
Direct Mail and AR Video
Offer Redemption and Conversion
Branded and Themed Gifting

Where does this fit into your marketing mix?

We get it, your marketing stack is full with tactics and activations. This strategy will level up what youā€™re doing or improve upon what you have in play.

Cold Prospecting

Cold Prospecting

Convert Warm Leads

Convert Warm Leads

Upsell or Cross Sell

Upsell or Cross Sell
We can help you understand where this could best fit in your marketing mix.
Letā€™s get started

ā€œThis was the most exciting, unique, and engaging campaign our audience had seen.ā€

Perform[cb] logo
engagement rate
conversion rate

Using this play as a cross-sell and upsell to current partners, PerformCB cut through the noise of digital marketing and outperformed past engagement and conversion numbers.

We're happy to send you the full report. Just click the button below and weā€™ll send you the full campaign report muy pronto.

Whatā€™s included in this type of campaign?


Opt-in and Address Confirmation šŸ“«

Before we send anything of value, we like to confirm that each recipient has a valid address where they are comfortable receiving a package from your campaign. We can use a digital opt-in process to ensure validity, or we can send to a verified list without any additional opt-in.

We'll create creative assets and messaging to allow you to outreach using your existing tech stack to get your audience opted in.

The standard play includes the following at this stage:

Green checkmark
Email Scripts
Green checkmark
Graphic Assets
Green checkmark
Address Verification Landing Page
iPhone screen with email that reads: We've got secret mission for you! Will you accept? This is your mission... [Your Logo Goes Here]
Go to Stage 2
second stage - the experience

Dimensional Mailer with Augmented Reality šŸ“¦

To break through the clutter, we send a dimensional mailer built around the campaign creative. In this example, a locked brief case creates a moment of impact and intrigue to move the recipient to engage.

Using Augmented Reality, we're able to launch a video or interactive experience to immerse and enhance the engagement. In this example, the briefcases code is only revealed by scanning a unique QRĀ code that then launches a 3D video experience.

The standard play includes the following at this stage:

Green checkmark
Dimensional Mailer with Custom Packaging
Green checkmark
Augmented Reality Video Experience or similar
Green checkmark
Clear Call-To-Action
Briefcase with a video message on it, and text that reads: accept your mission
Go to Stage 3
third STAGE - THE conversion

Offer Redemption and Conversion āœ…

By tapping the clear call-to-action in the Augmented Reality experience, our prospect is led to a personalized landing page experience where they can accept their ā€œMissionā€ (the offer), and gain access to the locked case before them.

The standard play includes the following at this stage:

Green checkmark
Personalized Offer Redemption Landing Page
iPhone screen with webpage that reads: John, your mission starts now. We are so happy you accepted. Your mission case unlock code is below. Our team will reach out shortly to begin your setup process. [Your Logo Goes Here]
Go to Stage 4
fourth stage - the payoff

Themed and Branded Gifting šŸŽ

Once inside the case or package, we can equip our prospect on their ā€œMissionā€ with personalized gifts that further reinforce your position that you value their time and attention.

Additionally, we can use this opportunity to further educate or preview follow-up communication coming from other members of your team.

The standard play includes the following at this stage:

Green checkmark
Gifting Guidance and Best Practice
Green checkmark
Sales Team Follow Up Guidance
Themed and Branded Gifting

Individual-level šŸ‘¤ Analytics

We've found that campaigns donā€™t mean much if you canā€™t track and attribute various actions. Weā€™ve developed a special sauce of ā€œindividual-levelā€ analytics that allow you to track every prospect through every piece of your campaign.

Precise Shipping & Delivery Tracking
QR code icon
Personalized QRĀ Code Activations
cube with dotted outline
ARĀ &Ā Web-based Engagment
Near Real-time Account Owner Notifications
All this is combined into an ā€œindividual-levelā€ report updated to the minute for your team to view.
Letā€™s get started

Letā€™s start converting lookers to buyers. šŸ“ˆ

Fill out the form below, and weā€™ll be in touch ASAP.

Thank you for your inquiry! We will be in touch soon.

If you need something urgent, please feel free to call us at 877-846-4569 during normal business operating hours.

Chat soon!
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