
How to Tell Better Stories in B2B Marketing Part Three: Stick to One Core Message

Jaycen Thorgeirson
Founder & Chief Storyteller
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One thing that is certain today more than ever is that you are on information overload. 

Here's a little secret: Everyone else is overloaded too. 

Given that everyone else is in the same boat means we don't like to waste energy. We're energy-conserving at the core. In our modern times, that means you need to have a point, and you'd better get to it fast before the brain moves on to something more helpful.

At UviaUs, you get that we're obsessed with storytelling. That's why we're sharing this three-part series on telling better stories. With the right tactics, your story-based marketing will take off, leading you to more incredible summits. 

Last week, we showed you how to be specific and thus more relatable to your perfect prospects. This week, we'll discuss how to focus on one message to make sure it connects quickly. 

Stick to one core message

Photo by Nick Fewings

Is your story selling a product or raising funds? Or perhaps explaining a service or advocating for an issue? What's the point of your story? What's the destination you have in mind? 

Whatever story you're telling, your reader won't know how to take action if you're not clear on what it is. If it's not immediately obvious what response you are asking for from your prospect, they'll give up. You'll fade from their mind as soon as they step away.

By focusing on one core message not only does it make your story more compelling and but also more memorable. Readers walk away with one key thing lodged in their minds, rather than a bunch of stuff they immediately forget. 

Here's another big secret: if you don't know your message and can't express it succinctly, your B2B prospects won't be able to figure it out, either.

How to stick to one core message in your B2B marketing

Photo by Kelly Sikkema

To help you define your core message, I'd like to ask you to try to summarize it in six to ten words. If you can't do that, you don't have a core message. Take the time to distill your message down to its essence.

Here are some questions that can aid you to do that: 

  • What is the main point of your story? Why do I need to tell it? 
  • What feeling do I want my audience to have at the end of it?
  • What is the primary action I want them to take as a result of my story? 

It would help if you defined this before getting started. If you don't understand your message, there's no way your audience will puzzle it out for you. 

Try to summarize it in 6-10 words, then create your B2B marketing message with that one core message in mind. 

How to tell better stories

This brings us to the end of our How to Tell Better Stories in B2B Marketing series! Make sure to read all three articles and consider how you can use what we've covered to improve your storytelling and thus connect more deeply with your target audience. 

Remember, to improve your storytelling... 

  • Lead with emotion
  • Get specific
  • Stick to one core message

If you follow these three rules, you'll connect with your B2B prospects better than ever before. Though decision-makers can be hard to reach and harder to motivate, remember that they are still people, and people love stories.

If they're told well, of course. 

Ready to talk shop? Let's go! 

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